Tag Archives: Software

Tip of the Week: How to Hide or Remove Desktop Icons

Your Windows desktop can often get cluttered with icons, so it is helpful to have [...]

A Brief Overview of Google Workspace

Productivity suites are a dime a dozen, with Microsoft Office being perhaps the most well-known. [...]

Avoid Productivity Speedbumps with the Right Software

Productivity is at the heart of running a successful business, but it’s not always apparent [...]

Have You Planned Your Business’ Technology Refresh Schedule?

Businesses that utilize technology often try to make it last as long as possible to [...]

You Can Use Software to Vastly Improve Your Customer Relationships

Customer relationships are at the heart of any business that sells a service or goods, [...]

Tip of the Week: Handy Shortcuts in Google Chat

Google Chat, a worthy successor to Google Hangouts, is a great tool for users that [...]

WARNING: Widespread Log4j Vulnerability is a Massive Danger to Businesses

Before this week, you probably never heard about Log4j. Right now, though, it’s the biggest [...]