Tag Archives: Privacy

Take the Pressure Off Your Team with Co-Managed IT

If your organization is fortunate enough to have an internal IT department, it’s likely that [...]

You Likely Have Data Subject to Compliance and Regulations

No matter what type of business you run or the services you provide to the [...]

You Aren’t Immune to Data Theft

Our digital footprint is extensive and vulnerable, from personal information to financial details. While many [...]

Six Steps to Safer Business Data

Ensuring the security of your data is extremely important. If you are a frequent reader [...]

With Modern Cybersecurity, Awareness is Everything

Every organization needs to have a certain level of modern cybersecurity protection in place. That [...]

Seven Reasons Deepfake Technology is a Problem

Let’s talk a little bit about deepfakes. If you aren’t aware of this technology, deepfakes [...]

Your Digital Identity: Navigating Online Privacy in the Digital Age

The preservation of online privacy has emerged as a paramount concern. As we traverse the [...]

Discussing the Global Identity System Used in the Metaverse

Identity can be a complex thing to discuss, but in terms of security, it’s fairly [...]

Nothing Good Comes from Card Skimmers

Card skimming is a very real problem for companies and individuals alike, but there will [...]