Tag Archives: Smartphone

How to Find Your Phone When It is Lost or Stolen

What would you do if you lost your smartphone? While some might do their best [...]

Actions to Take When Your Phone Goes Missing

If you are like many of the rest of us, the thought of losing your [...]

Four Useful Productivity Tips for Mobile

The smartphone has become the go-to device for most people’s personal computing. With the aid [...]

Tip of the Week: Android Archiving to Free Up Storage Space

In April 2023, Google made a statement claiming that the Android platform would be able [...]

8 Fantastic Smartphone Safety Tips

Smartphones have become as versatile and powerful as computers in the tech-savvy. It’s imperative to [...]

Tip of the Week: Stop Apps from Draining Your Android’s Battery Life

Let’s talk about the android’s battery life. It’s natural for your mobile device’s battery to [...]

Is Your Smartphone a Distraction Disaster or a Productivity Tool?

We’ve all felt the momentary panic when we reach for our pocket to pull out [...]

How Can You Improve Your Android Device’s Autocorrect?

Autocorrect is one of those things that you either love or hate, depending on how [...]